The Houston Concert Band, Band and Orchestra Solo and Ensemble Contest for 2015 will be taking place Saturday, May 9th, 2015 at Episocpal High School. The Contest will begin at 8:30 am with a meeting with the judges, and the students will begin playing at 9:00 am. The contest will run on a six- minute schedule for as long as is needed throughout the day. Students who are enrolled in their school music program are eligible to participate.
Music selections can be taken from the current UIL Prescribed Music List or can be chosen at a level appropriate for the younger student. Judges must be provided with original scores with all measures numbered. Soloists are responsible for securing their own accompanist. The entry fee will be $7 for each student who will play a solo. If an ensemble is playing, each student in the ensemble will need to pay an entry fee of $7. This will defray the costs of piano rental, honorariums for the judges and other operating expense. There will be a school registration fee of $50.
Please download the forms below.
Entry Form
Adjudication Form
Participant Rating Form